
Zuulite Miner v0.500 Released on the App Store

Zuulite Miner v0.500 Released on the App Store

Posted on 26 January , 9665 by Maxym Yurchenko

After a couple of weeks in review with Apple they have now given Zuulite Miner their approval and the latest version is now available for download via their App Store.

This version brings iOS 8 compatibility as well as a graphical over-haul. A couple of things have been removed… there is no portrait view (for now) and the reset button is gone (temporarily).

I have had an idea for another game, which I have started working on and is going very well. If you have any ideas for the development of Zuulite Miner I would be pleased to hear them!

The web player build of Zuulite Miner will be updated shortly and it will also be published for Android just as soon as I figure out how!

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